Purnululu National Park (Bungle Bungle), Kimberleys, WA

Sunday 17th June 2018
After camping at Bungle Bungle Caravan Park, checking in with everyone this morning, we started on the drive to Purnululu National Park. It was a 50km drive to the Visitors Centre which took about 2 hours. The roads were heavily corrugated, with sharp rocks, winding and slow. It was very rough on the car and the driver. At one stage we came up over the hill and were eyeballed by the most amazing bull. He looked so healthy and he was very large. Unfortunately he headed in to the bush before I could get a photo. At the Visitors Centre we registered for our overnight hike to Piccaninny Gorge, were told we had to hire an Eperb ($30 a day), their rules stated that our Sat Phone wasn’t enough. Oh well, so we did as requested. After reading the brochures when we got to the car, we decided we would register for 2 nights in the gorge just in case we wanted to stay in there longer. All set to go now.

We then headed to the north part of the Park, stopping on our way at the Kungkalanayi Lookout, then off to the northern most part, where we did the Echidna Chasm hike. The rocks were so high and were explained as conglomerates (see pic fro explanation). The best viewing time was 11am but unfortunately we didn’t make it till 1pm. Oh well, it was still quite spectacular.

After lunch we rode our bikes to the start of the Escarpment walk which was about 4km, left them at the start and did the Escarpment and Mini Palm Gorge trails. These were also amazing, high rocks along rocky creek bed some of the way, over boulders, up stairs, through narrow gaps and along a lovely path. All in all we walked 10km and rode 4km today.

We then headed to the south end of the park to Walardi Camp via the lookout for a quick sunset photo. The camp host is a single lady in her 60s who was very friendly. She is here for 2 months.

After diner we did a little preparation for the overnight hike we are starting tomorrow as it always takes longer than we expect and we would like to get an early start.