Bullara Station to Tom Price, WA

Thursday 10th May 2018
Wee today was a big travel day. We were up early and I went for a quick run and David did the Windmill Walk as we were to be on the road all day. We had over 500km to drive to tonight’s hopeful home of Tom Price. Wish us luck that we make it.

The drive travelled through some changing scenery, it had been flat plains for over 1300km for the last 2.5 weeks. It was a pleasant enough drive and nice to watch this change. I had my first drive since the 42km I did on the sand in Francois Peron NP. I haven’t forgotten how to drive yet which is good. It was easy driving, not much traffic and no need to overtake anyone.

We arrived at Tom Price at about 4.30pm, checked in to the only caravan park and headed out for a quick 4WD climb up Mt Nameless for sunset. A very beautiful sight! The track was pretty rocky and steep but in low range wasn’t too much trouble albeit a bit slow.

Feeling a bit tired we treated me to a night off cooking at a little Asian Restaurant in town. It was a nice treat.

Anyway, off to bed now as we have another big day tomorrow as we head in to Karijini National Park.

Quick facts
Mount Nameless, or Jarndrunmunhna in the local Aboriginal language, is 1128 metres above sea level. Overlooking Tom Price, the mountain summit can be accessed by 4WD and by foot along a challenging steep well-marked trail and  is the 2nd highest mountain in WA that you can drive up.
In 2006 population was 2721 the median age of 29 reflecting Tom Price’s relatively young family-oriented community.