Silverton NSW to Elliston SA

Sunday 8th April 2018
Well what an interesting character the host of Penrose Park Campground was last night. He was in his element as he was born in the western suburbs of Sydney and had lived parts of his life in Somersby, Wyong and Kincumber. So he was on for a chat. The park was another rustic setup and our first experience of red dirt and flies.

We had intended to go see the sunrise at the nearby Mundi Mundi lookout but didn’t wake in time. We went to the lookout after we packed up and as it turned out the sun would have been better in a sunset viewing so felt better about missing the sunrise.

We then headed into Silverton, a Silver mining town established in 1881. This is a one dirt road town with a pub, cafe , a couple of galleries and the Mad Max Museum. They also have a few resident donkeys who shelter under the awning of the pub. Being Sunday everything was closed till after 10, so we had to be happy being the lone visitors to the town.

Then off to the Broken Hill Sculpture Park. We enjoyed this as the view enhanced the experience of the artwork. We still aren’t really art connoisseurs but it was enjoyable all the same. We didn’t have time to do the other walks but will leave that for next time. We may go there for sunrise or sunset as it would be beautiful.

Next stop Streaky Bay, a small 800km drive today. I might have to do my share of the driving. Unfortunately Streaky Bay is not to be for tonight as they were booked out (it is peak fishing season}, so we are headed for Elliston, 130km SE of Streaky Bay. It is quite late and I am writing today’s blog as DB drives in the dark, concentrating hard to avoid the kangaroos on the side of the road. Only one so far, cross your fingers there are no more. We will put our quick setup to the test tonight as we won’t arrive until 8.30pm. DB loves SA as there are no diddoomps {cateyes} on the road.

Yay for the new tent. We were setup and eating dinner in the camp kitchen within about 20 minutes of our arrival. A very big day. 879km.

Tomorrow is a rest (tourist) day.