Devonport to Cradle Mountain

Sunday 19th November 2017
After having breakfast, visiting the Information Centre and doing the groceries (as you cannot take fruit, vegetables and fish on the boat) we headed on our way. We stopped at a town called Sheffield where we saw some amazing murals. This was a new incentive for the town to try to encourage the tourists to the town. They have a competition on these large mural boards every year, as well as having many murals painted on the building walls, similar to in Christchurch. There are some very talked about artists in the world. We then drove on to a lookout at Mt Roland on our way to our campsite at cradle Mountain. A lovely big Discovery Caravan Park. It was very much like a National Park campground with every site in its own little alcove. The amenities and camp kitchen, huts and ensuites were all aesthetically designed to blend in with the natural surrounds. It is lovely. There have been many visitors to our camp sites – pademelon, echidna, possums.