Nelson to Picton to Nelson

Easter Sunday 16th April
Well today we woke to a clear day in Nelson. We had an early start as we had a 2 hour drive to our 9am boat cruise at Picton. The blue sky was a welcome sight.

On arrival at Picton which has changed considerably since we were here in 2009, we headed out on Beachcomber Cruises Ship Cove Cruise. A 3 hour cruise on Marlborough Sound from Picton to Ship Cove and return. Alighting at Ship Cove where Captain James Cook landed in 1770 to source provisions and rest the crew. It was a lovely trip to Ship Cove in the sunshine although a little cool. We learnt some things about the Maoris and First European settlers and then headed on our way back to Picton. So as not to disappoint the rain clouds rolled in. We had a shower or two on the way back which was a shame. It was still an enjoyable trip though.

We took Charlotte Drive out of Picton which is 30 mins of hairpin turns and hill climbs. It was a lot easier this time in a little Corolla as opposed to the campervan we were in last time. Unfortunately mother nature wasn’t on our side and we encountered some heavy rain on the return drive to Nelson.

The afternoon entailed a visit to the World of Wearable Art and Classic Car Museum. This was very interesting and very clever of the Museum to have a male and female interest under the same roof. I spent most of my time in the Art museum and DB in the Car one. The art was really good, I also viewed a video with the art being displayed in a fashion show. There were an incredible number of cars in the museum, they are someone’s personal collection. There were ferraris, an EJ Holden, an Astin Martin, a Delorean, Jaguars and many many more. Enough cars to keep DB busy whilst I was looking at the art.

Sign in the museum – “Wearable art makes the body an internal frame for personal expression, and in doing so makes a great deal of new art possible.”