Larapinta Trail – Tjoritja Ranges NT – Day 17

Friday 18 June 2022
Mulga Camp to Simpsons Gap – Section 2 Pt 2
Distance 17.07km
Moving time 4;02
Track time 5:03
Temp 3′- about 25 with a nice breeze
Up 255m Down 307m

Last night we had Mice visit us around the tent. Very annoying. We also heard dingoes howling in the Distance. David heard them in the distance and then as they continued to get closer, then very nearby and then as they went away. I listened for about 30 mins but didn’t realise the change of Distance. It was amazing. We emitted a nice morning chatting to our neighbours. Amelia Nikles-Ralph is a young girl who left school last year and is a photographer, she is a friend of Krystle Wright – photographer who we met last year at Richmond photographing a rodeo. Apparently we need to check our their instagram pages. Amelia is carrying about 20kg pack. She is 2 days in and raises she needs to dump some stuff but like everyone on the trail, it is too late.
We set off at about 9.20 and walked the undulating mostly even ground trail for 7km to Bond Gap. This was a wildlife refuge. It was a beautiful paid with fish in the pond. It was quite picturesque. Unfortunately the peacefulness was interrupted by a tour group having lunch which was a shame. The good thing was they have us their leftover salad from their lunch which we carefully transported to camp. Tomatoes cucumber, carrot, capsicum and avocado. What a treat to share with Jim and Liza tonight.
We continued on from Bond Gap after lunch towards Simpson Gap. The trail went through acacia woodland again continuing the same as this morning. The last few km seemed to go on forever. North, south, east and west, wriggling through the area we weren’t sure which direction we were going to enter the gap. Front door, back door or side door. It was a lot of ins and outs, and roundabouts. David routed the trail at the 8km mark and in a straight line it was only 5km. A definite indication of the meandering trail. We met a family of 3 and Sb additional couple from Kangaroo Valley at camp this afternoon. They are doing the last 2 sections in 2 days. That’s 50km. We will continue on our program of 4 days trying to avoid injury at this late stage of the game. Before dinner we went down to Simpsons Gap which was very beautiful. We missed the best light as we had a chat with a young man and lady who are running the trail except for the 4-5 sections where there is no access for their support car. They will hike this part. They intend to run Section 2 and 3 tomorrow. They are in for a surprise as Section 3 will be very difficult after already running 26 km of Section 2 first. We then headed down to Simpson Gap and David’s managed to spot a black footed rock Wallaby. They are very tiny.
We then headed back to camp for our dinner with added vegetables. What a treat. We also were given a pre dinner treat of baked Pea crisps. Very yummy.
It is supposed to be warm tonight and there is some cloud so I hopefully won’t be cold tonight. We hit the sack at 7pm. It is going to be a long night.