Port Douglas to Chillagoe QLD

Friday 20th August 2021
Well we are finally on our way from Port Douglas after 18 days of living in a luxury resort or two. It has been a lovely change and very restful. I am very happy that David has had his first Covid 19 jab and am looking forward to his second one when we might spend a few more days in luxury. Not sure where yet but I am sure we can find somewhere nice.

After a lovely swim session at the Mirage Country Club, some groceries, lunch and an ice cream, we are on our way.

Next stop Chillagoe. We drove through some lovely countryside, along the same winding road we have travelled a few times, passed the windfarm, many sugar cane fields, some cotton fields, mango and lemon farms; and then finished on a dirt road to Chillagoe.

We arrived at the Chiilagoe Observatory and Eco Park at about 5.30pm, just in time for a quick dinner in daylight and then a lovely sunset, followed by a beautiful night under the stars.

Boy are we lucky!!