Hughenden to Einasleigh via Porcupine Gorge NP, QLD

Friday 9th July 2021
Well we got away nice and early this morning on our way to Porcupine Gorge National Park.  Both David and I were really looking forward to a good walk in the bush as we have been a bit light on with exercise so far this trip. On the way we stopped at a lookout which had a couple of amazing boab trees growing out if the rocks. It was also a lovely view.

Then on to Porcupine Gorge National Park. The gorge lookout was fantastic. It was a long and narrow gorge, with beautiful colours and some water which lately has been a rarity. We then headed down into the gorge which was 150m descent over 1.2km in distance which is okay on the way down but climbing back up will be a little tough as our fitness has waned over the last couple of weeks. The views heading down and in the gorge were lovely, I especially love seeing the way the water flow carves through the rocks and the formations that are a result over the millions of years. We explored a little further along the for a while and then headed back up. It was a constant up which we handled okay but we are definitely missing the daily exercise we are used to. We then did the rime walk which reached a lovely viewpoint before walking back to the car for lunch. A total of about 7km walking which was great.

After lunch we headed on our way north again, I had a drive for about 120km as I haven’t driven since we were in the desert. Hopefully it will give David a little rest time and he won’t be as tired tonight. The road was pretty good most of the way even when it went back to dirt road. We made our way to Einasleigh for the night and managed a spot in the local caravan par for a change. Mind you she is fully booked tonight as well. We are hoping to go to Cobbold Gorge tomorrow but it is pretty full so we will check on this tomorrow. It is a big commercial concern so we may give it a miss if they can’t fit us in.

Anyway at least we are moving about. Hope you are okay and stay safe with the new Covid restrictions. Take care and big hugs to you all. Love Fiona and David.